All posts by jrummel

Named Ranges

We can use the column/row to address a cell (like C5), but we can also give meaningful names to individual cells, or groups of cells.

Descriptive Statistics Tool

In the Data Analysis Toolpak, there is a tool that will compute the descriptive statistics for a data set. The calculations are just numbers (and not formulas) so if you change the data, you will have to rerun the tool.

Filter Command

The filter command allows you to take a data set and sort it using different columns and to select rows that meet your criteria (and hide the rest).

Importing Data into Excel

When you copy and paste from browsers (or other applications), often the formatting of the data is just right – you get the columns that you want. But sometimes Excel does not do create the columns correctly, and for that we have a tool for converting Text to Columns.

Cell reference across sheets

Cell references get a bit more complex when using cells from other sheets, but they can be created with the mouse, and formulas can be copied to access multiple cells across sheets. Named ranged become even more useful when using multiple sheets for a model.