The regression tool allows us to see relationships between columns. In the video we look at one column related to another, but if you have more than one independent variable, the only change is to highlight more than one column. Unfortunately, those columns need to be in one contiguous range.
Monthly Archives: August 2021
Histogram Chart
Excel added a new chart type for histograms. Older versions of Excel will not have this option.
XY Scatterplots with INDEX() Function
Create scatterplots without highlighting new data by using the INDEX() function
FREQUENCY() Histogram with the INDEX() Function
Create a flexible histogram using FREQUENCY() and INDEX()
Single Variable Scatterplot using INDEX()
We can make a chart that will represent different columns of our data with one chart using the INDEX() function
XY Scatterplot
By highlighting two sets of data, we can create a scatterplot the represents the relationship between the two data sets.
Histogram with the FREQUENCY() Function
The FREQUENCY() function will recalculate when data changes and this can be used to create a histogram that is always representing the current values (unlike the histogram tool).
Histogram with the Data Analysis Toolpak
The Data Analysis Toolpak has a dialog box that will create a histogram. The data and chart are static — if you change the data, the graph will not change.
Single Variable Column Chart
This shows the size of each data point with a bar that emphasizes the size (rather than just a dot).
Single Variable Scatterplot
This graph shows each point in a data set. The y-axis shows the value of each point, and the x-axis is just the sequence of the points (first to last).