Category Archives: Uncategorized

VLookup tables

VLOOKUP() allows for easy matching of a lookup value in a table that then returns the corresponding value in one of the other columns of the table.

Other Date Functions

Since months are different lengths and years start on different days, there are functions in Excel to handle these details. EDATE() increments dates by one month (whether that is a 30 or 31 day month). EOMONTH() increments a date to the end of a month (either 30 or 31). WEEKDAY() returns the day of the week (1-7) for a date. And WEEKNUM() returns the week number for a date (useful for collecting weekly sales totals).

IF() Function

The IF() function allows you to check a (boolean) condition, then if the condition is TRUE use one formula, or if the condition is FALSE, use another formula.

True/False (Boolean) Functions

Just like Excel will handle standard arithmetic, there is also a way to create formulas that return TRUE or FALSE. These can be used to then create calculations that depend on the boolean result — calculate one way if true, calculate a different way if false.

Regression Tool

The regression tool allows us to see relationships between columns. In the video we look at one column related to another, but if you have more than one independent variable, the only change is to highlight more than one column. Unfortunately, those columns need to be in one contiguous range.